About the Journal

“Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself.”
Saint Francis de Sales
Rest in Peace Father Arthur Lenti
Fr. Arthur Lenti, Salesian of Don Bosco, died before dawn the morning of January 6th 2022. Fr. Arthur was born on 31 January 1923, became a Salesian in 1940, and was ordained on 2 July 1950. Arthur was a Scholar of Sacred Scripture and one of the founders of Don Bosco Hall (1974) and the Institute of Salesian Studies (1984) in Berkeley. His research into the life and times of St John Bosco has been published in seven volumes and translated into several languages. We are grateful for his guidance over many years. May he Rest In Peace.
New Issue Winter 2021
Here we are, the second number of the Journal is finalmente online. This is the second number of 2021. Click here to find the entire new issue and the separate articles.
On the LuLu website, it will be possible to order your own hard copy. Click here to order your own hard copy.
Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook).
Next Issue Spring 2022
And for now… we are making plans for the next number. The next issue will be online by the end of the month of June 2022. This Issue will be, so we hope, dedicated only to Saint Francis de Sales, as we celebrate the 400 anniversary of his death.
About the Journal
Behind the scenes, between the Institute of Salesian Spirituality of Berkeley (USA) and the Centro Studi Don Bosco of Rome (Italy), a fresh start has been taken! Glad that we have the 2 numbers of the Journal of 2021 pronto.
If you have questions you can always email: collin@unisal.it
The Journal of Salesian studies is an academic publication covering topics primarily related to the Salesian tradition of Saint John Bosco, including its connection to the wider Salesian tradition relating to Saint Francis de Sales. In order to progress the Salesian mission, and to properly understand and discern the call of Salesian discipleship, many articles take on a historical perspective, and delve into the origins of the Salesian charism, spirit, educational style, and its historical application through time. These historically-based articles are designed to encourage the critical reflection of the reader and to draw connections to its current application. However, many articles make more of an immediate practical application.
The Journal of Salesian Studies, therefore, welcomes proposals and contributions that bring to the fore any of the following subjects:
- Education and evangelization of youth
- Don Bosco’ s charism and method
- Timely and pertinent topics relating to Salesian work in today’s world
- Historical research in topics relating to the growth and development of the Salesian Society
- Francis de Sales’ charism, spirit, and historical influences, as well as related persons and topics such as Jane de Chantal and the Visitation Order
- Profiles of personalities who have made a notable contribution in Salesian history, such as Mother Mary Mazzarello or founders of other congregations who have Saint Francis the Sales as a source of inspiration.
- Book reviews of publications that are either explicitly Salesian, or publications which may be of interest to those involved in the education and evangelization of youth)
Article proposals may be submitted to collin@unisal.it