Tag archives for bishops

Da Mihi Animas in Don Bosco: Don Bosco’s Life and Work for the “Salvation of Souls”

Da Mihi Animas in Don Bosco: Don Boscos Life and Work for the Salvation of Souls

by Arthur J. Lenti, SDB   Introduction The motto Da mihi animas; cetera tolle expresses the primary objective and spirit of Don Bosco’s incessant activity and the pastoral and ascetical program that he wished to hand on to his Salesians.  How this driving ideal powered Don Bosco’s life and work-that is, his manifold choices-is the object […]

Sons of Don Bosco, Successors of the Apostles: Salesian Bishops, 1884 to 2001

Sons of Don Bosco Successors of the Apostles Salesian Bishops 1884 to 2001

by Charles N. Bransom, Jr.  Subjects: Introduction Salesian Bishops: Episcopal Ordinations Giovanni Cagliero Luigi Giuseppe Lasagna Giacomo Costamagna Giovanni Marenco Antonio Malan Francisco Aquino Corrêa Félix Ambrosio Guerra Luigi Olivares Abraham Aguilera Bravo Helvêcio Gomes de Oliveira Domenico Comin Luigi Versiglia Guglielmo Piani Pedro Octavio Ortiz Arrieta Ernesto Coppo Manoel Gomes de Oliveira Dante Carlo […]

The Catholic Readings: Writing for the Masses

The Catholic Readings Writing for the Masses

by Stephen Whelan, SDB     Subjects: Introduction: The Catholic Readings as an Apostolate 1853: The Well-Instructed Catholic: A Father’s Timely Talks to His Children with a Summation by Fr. John Bosco [II Cattolico Istruito nella sua Religione: Trattenimenti di un Padre di Famiglia co’suoi Figliuoli Secondo i Bisogni del Tempo epilogati dal sac. Bosco […]