Tag archives for Regulations

Prevention or Repression: The Reception of Don Bosco’s Educational Approach in British Salesian Schools

Prevention or Repression: The Reception of Don Bosco's Educational Approach in British Salesian Schools

by William J. Dickson, SDB   Subjects: The English Educational Context: Different Political and Educational Traditions Dr. Arnold and Rugby School Don Bosco’s Educational Approach Prevention or Repression: Contrasts and Cultural Differences Corporal Punishment in Piedmont General Regulations for Boarding Schools (Jan. 23, 1827) Salesians and School Punishments Assistance and the Salesian Preventive System England […]

Don Bosco’s Oratories in 1849-1852: Conflict, Crisis and Resolution

Don Bosco's Oratories in 1849 1852: Conflict Crisis and Resolution

by Arthur J. Lenti, SDB   Subjects: Introduction: Historical Context The Situation of the Oratories in Turin in 1849-1852 Don Bosco’s Early Associates and Collaborators in Oratory Work Don Bosco’s Letter, February 20, 1850 to the Mendicità Istruita Fr. Borel’s “Memoriale dell’Oratorio“ Don Bosco’s Cenni Storici (Historical Outlines) of 1862 Don Bosco’s Article in the […]

Early Salesian Regulations: Formation in the Preventive System

Early Salesian Regulations Formation in the Preventive System

by John Rasor, SDB Subjects: Introduction Overview of the Regulations’ Development The Regulations for the Oratory The Regulations for the Houses Table 1. Structures of the Regulations for the Oratory and the Regulations for the Houses Adding, Changing and Subtracting Offices Adding the Preventive System The Work of the First Six General Chapters The Annual Conferences […]

Training Boys to Earn a Living: The Beginnings of Vocational Education at the Oratory

Training Boys to Earn a Living: the Beginnings of Vocational Education at the Oratory

by Michael Ribotta, SDB Subjects: Introduction From Sunday School to Oratory Cavour and Don Bosco Mutual Aid Societies and the Oratory Boys Bosco’s Regulations The Growth of the Oratory Mutual Aid Society The Origins of the Oratory Workshops The Rise of the Oratory Print Shop “’Good Foreman’ and ‘Honest Managers’ Were Hard to Find” Conclusion