Tag archives for Savio

The Dreams of Don Bosco: An Introduction to Their Study

The Dreams of Don Bosco: an Introduction to Their Study

by Michael Mendl, SDB Subjects: A Saint’s Charism Sources for Our Knowledge of the Dreams The Biographical Memoirs: Value and Limitations Studying Don Bosco’s Dreams Purposes and Value of the Dreams Types of Dreams

Don Bosco’s Second Great Hagiographical Essay: “The Life of Young Dominic Savio”

Don Boscos Second Great Hagiographical Essay: The Life of Young Dominic Savio

by Arthur J. Lenti, SDB   Subjects: Introduction Initial Presentation of Don Bosco’s Life of Savio Don Bosco’s Savio Biography and Its Successive Editions Sources of the Savio Biography Presentation of the First Edition of the Savio Biography (1859) Dominic Savio’s Cursus Vitae Dominic Savio’s Parents, Family and Childhood Ranello (1815-1840) Mondonio (1840-1841) San Giovanni […]

Sons of Don Bosco, Successors of the Apostles: Salesian Bishops, 1884 to 2001

Sons of Don Bosco Successors of the Apostles Salesian Bishops 1884 to 2001

by Charles N. Bransom, Jr.  Subjects: Introduction Salesian Bishops: Episcopal Ordinations Giovanni Cagliero Luigi Giuseppe Lasagna Giacomo Costamagna Giovanni Marenco Antonio Malan Francisco Aquino Corrêa Félix Ambrosio Guerra Luigi Olivares Abraham Aguilera Bravo Helvêcio Gomes de Oliveira Domenico Comin Luigi Versiglia Guglielmo Piani Pedro Octavio Ortiz Arrieta Ernesto Coppo Manoel Gomes de Oliveira Dante Carlo […]

Don Bosco’s Beatification and Canonization: Story, Highlights and Sidelights

Don Boscos Beatification and Canonization Story: Highlights and Sidelights

by Arthur J. Lenti, SDB     Subjects: Introduction Proposal and Aim Schematic Preview Basic Structure of the Process of Beatification Process on Virtues, Holiness, Gifts Diocesan or Ordinary Process Apostolic Process Turin Phase Little Process Roman Phase Process on Miracles Diocesan Investigation Followed by Roman Phase Basic Structure of the Process of Canonization Savio […]

The Catholic Readings: Writing for the Masses

The Catholic Readings Writing for the Masses

by Stephen Whelan, SDB     Subjects: Introduction: The Catholic Readings as an Apostolate 1853: The Well-Instructed Catholic: A Father’s Timely Talks to His Children with a Summation by Fr. John Bosco [II Cattolico Istruito nella sua Religione: Trattenimenti di un Padre di Famiglia co’suoi Figliuoli Secondo i Bisogni del Tempo epilogati dal sac. Bosco […]

Don Bosco’s Gift to the Church: A Spirituality for Youth

Don Boscos Battle against Illiteracy

by Richard Wanner, SDB Subjects: Introduction Don Bosco as a Spiritual Writer Dominic Savio and His Biography Savio’s First Communion and Apostolate The Mystical Period of Dominic’s Life Dominic’s Final Days Canonization Conclusion