Archives for October, 1996

Journal of Salesian Studies: Vol. 7, No. 2 (1996)

Journal Salesian Studies Volume 7 Issue 2

Articles: The Founding and Early Expansion of the Salesian Work in The San Francisco Area from Archival Documents, Part 1: The Founding Era     –Arthur J. Lenti, SDB The “Big Rat” and the “Mad Priest of Turin”- Don Bosco’s Relationship with Prime Minister Rattazzi     –Michael Ribotta, SDB The Catholic Readings: Writing for the Masses   […]

Salesian Imaging of God’s Love without Equal

Salesian Imaging of God's Love without Equal

by Eunan McDonnell, SDB Subjects: Francis de Sales’ Use of Imagery A Love that Draws Draw Us to the Odor of Your Perfumes The Breath of God that Inspires A Fatherly-Motherly Love A Fatherly Love A Motherly Love Christ Our Mother The Heart of Love The Human Heart The Divine Heart The Crucified Heart Summary

The Concept of Secularity in Salesian Documents

The Concept of Secularity in Salesian Documents

by John Rasor, SDB Subjects: Scope of This Study Theological Issues in Secularity World, Creation and Secularity in Salesian Pre-Renewal Documents Don Bosco Fuga mundi in the Rectorates of Fr. Rua and Fr. Albera Fr. Rinaldi, Brothers and Technology Fuga Mundi in the Salesian ’30s, ’40s and ’50s Fr. Ziggiotti and the Second Vatican Council […]

The Founding and Early Expansion of the Salesian Work in the San Francisco Area from Archival Documents, Part 1: The Founding Era

The Founding and Early Expansion of the Salesian Work in the SF Area from Archival Documents Part 1: The Founding Era

by Arthur J. Lenti, SDB with contributions from John Rasor, SDB Subjects: Foreword Introduction San Francisco (1895-1897) First Steps Form of Agreement Gathering the Team for the Mission Under Father Raphael Piperni’s Leadership Father Piperni’s Account of the Trip from Turin to San Francisco First Experiences in San Francisco Conclusion Appendix Father Raphael Piperni’s Mission […]

Salesians and the Internet

Salesians and the Internet

by Anthony Bailey, SDB Subjects: What is the Internet? The Church and the Internet Religious Orders and the Internet Salesians on the Internet Reasons for Being There The Nature of This Presence Recommendations The Use of E-mail The Salesian Bulletin The Elderly Volunteers Salesian Intranet The Cost Conclusion

The Catholic Readings: Writing for the Masses

The Catholic Readings Writing for the Masses

by Stephen Whelan, SDB     Subjects: Introduction: The Catholic Readings as an Apostolate 1853: The Well-Instructed Catholic: A Father’s Timely Talks to His Children with a Summation by Fr. John Bosco [II Cattolico Istruito nella sua Religione: Trattenimenti di un Padre di Famiglia co’suoi Figliuoli Secondo i Bisogni del Tempo epilogati dal sac. Bosco […]