by Luc Van Looy, SDB Subjects: Introduction Don Bosco: An Educational Genius Uniting Human Experiences in One Educational Movement Trust in the Young Communication and Information The Foreign Missions Transplant This Genius into Public Life Cultural Life Politics Social Development Conclusion: Two Strategic Points
Tag archives for Youth Spirituality
by Anthony Bailey, SDB Subjects: What is the Internet? The Church and the Internet Religious Orders and the Internet Salesians on the Internet Reasons for Being There The Nature of This Presence Recommendations The Use of E-mail The Salesian Bulletin The Elderly Volunteers Salesian Intranet The Cost Conclusion
by Stephen Whelan, SDB Subjects: Introduction: The Catholic Readings as an Apostolate 1853: The Well-Instructed Catholic: A Father’s Timely Talks to His Children with a Summation by Fr. John Bosco [II Cattolico Istruito nella sua Religione: Trattenimenti di un Padre di Famiglia co’suoi Figliuoli Secondo i Bisogni del Tempo epilogati dal sac. Bosco […]
by Arthur J. Lenti, SDB Subjects: Introduction Part I: Turin in the 1840s and the “Poor and Abandoned” Young People at Risk 1. Demographic Shift, Population Increase and Urban Expansion 2. The Northern Districts 3. The “Poor and Abandoned”: Young People and Children at Risk (1) Kinds of Young People at Risk (2) Children […]
by Michael Ribotta, SDB Subjects: Introduction The Way Things Were Ii Sistema Preventivo Nella Educazione Della Gioventu, Document Excerpt If Punish You Must… Punish Only As a Last Resort The Right Place and the Right Time Let Every Punishment Carry a Clear Message The Culprit Must Be Assured that the Educator does not carry […]
by Arthur J. Lenti, SDB Subjects: Introduction Part I: Chronicles and Memoirs I-Carlo Maria Viglietti: His Chronicles and Memoirs (1)Viglietti, Don Bosco’s Secretary (2)Viglietti’s Chronicles and Memoirs [i] Original Chronicle [ii] Transcribed and Edited Chronicle 1884-1888 [iii] Short Autobiographical Memoir [iv] Diary [v] Additional Chronicle 1884-85 [vi] Scrapbook-Style Collection 1886-1896 [vii] Partial Calligraphic Chronicle […]
by Mary Treacy, FMA Subjects: Who was Mother-Louise-Angelique Clarac? Early Life 1817-1841 1841-1848: Apostolate in France Algeria 1848-1851 Apostolate in Turin 1853-1887 Girls at Risk in Turin St. Maximus Sardinia Viale del Re – Via S. Pio V Dispute about Sr. Clarac’s Testament Bishope Moreno’s Advice Separation Mother Clarac and Don Bosco Style of […]
by Arthur J. Lenti, SDB Subjects: Prefatory Note Introduction Part One: Don Bosco’s Fourth and Fifth Missionary Dreams Context of the Fourth and Fifth Missionary Dreams Textual Tradition and Text of the Fourth Missionary Dream (the Dream of the Angels of the Missions, narrated July 2, 1885) Textual Tradition of the Fourth Missionary Dream Text […]
by Michael Ribotta, SDB Subjects: Introduction From Sunday School to Oratory Cavour and Don Bosco Mutual Aid Societies and the Oratory Boys Bosco’s Regulations The Growth of the Oratory Mutual Aid Society The Origins of the Oratory Workshops The Rise of the Oratory Print Shop “’Good Foreman’ and ‘Honest Managers’ Were Hard to Find” Conclusion
by Natale Cerrato, SDB & Michael Ribotta, SDB Subjects: Introduction The Expo and Its Electricity The Saint Francis de Sales Oratory Press Taking Charge of the Printing Cycle A Printing Exhibit to Behold Press and Private Sector Resistance Damned with Faint Praise The Outraged Catholic Press Don Bosco’s Frank but Ineffectual Protests The Eulogy Metaphor […]